function aperture() |
import stage.core.*; |
% Open a window in windowed-mode and create a canvas. 'disableDwm' = false for demo only! |
window = Window([640, 480], false); |
canvas = Canvas(window, 'disableDwm', false); |
% Read an image from file. |
imagesDir = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), 'Images'); |
butterflyImage = imread(fullfile(imagesDir, 'butterfly.jpg')); |
% Create an image stimulus from the image matrix. |
butterfly = stage.builtin.stimuli.Image(butterflyImage); |
butterfly.size = [size(butterflyImage, 2), size(butterflyImage, 1)]; |
butterfly.position = canvas.size / 2; |
% Create an aperture (masked rectangle) stimulus to sit on top of the image stimulus. |
aperture = stage.builtin.stimuli.Rectangle(); |
aperture.color = 0; |
aperture.size = [500, 500]; |
mask = Mask.createCircularAperture(0.4); |
aperture.setMask(mask); |
% Create a controller to change the aperture's x and y position as a function of time. |
xFunc = @(state)canvas.width / 2 + cos(state.time) * 30; |
yFunc = @(state)canvas.height / 2 + sin(state.time) * 30; |
aperaturePositionController = stage.builtin.controllers.PropertyController(aperture, 'position', @(state)[xFunc(state), yFunc(state)]); |
% Create a 7 second presentation and add the stimuli and controller. |
presentation = Presentation(7); |
presentation.addStimulus(butterfly); |
presentation.addStimulus(aperture); |
presentation.addController(aperaturePositionController); |
% Play the presentation on the canvas! |
presentation.play(canvas); |
% Window automatically closes when the window object is deleted. |
end |